" Mommy the ice cream truck is here! Do you have any cash?"

Future Blues Player?

He LOVES the harmonica. He owns 2 and he will play all day. Most of the time its pretty good "noise".

Little Lemays Exclusives!

You won't see these pictures on the holiday card. You won't see them in the mail.

These are Little Lemay EXCLUSIVE photos!


Christmas card out take

"...a right joly 'ol elf, I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself..."

Girl Scouts

So far this year I have earned 2 Try-it patches and 5 Fun patches for my Brownie vest. My 1st patch earned this year was my Bridge to Brownie patch. Tonight is another meeting and we are earning another patch!

These are my Try-it's. They require a little more work to earn than other patches and are special only to Brownie Girl Scouts.
These are the fun patches. They go on the back. You earn them for doing fun actvities or going to someplace special. I have a few more coming in from Fall Fundraiser.
PS: be on the look out for a toothless picture because I'm about to lose my 3rd tooth in less than a month!